Apparently, the canyons were paved of gold, home to munchkins, and even a witches cauldron could be found. In fact, these canyons were said to be among the best in the North Wash area...
Read MoreFor me the approach really sucked... my full 5mm wetsuit weighs 6 pounds dry and it was still damp from the day before. On top of that, I was carrying a 100 foot, 8mm rope and 3 liters of water…
Read MoreI've been lured to Escalante before. I remember the first time I saw a photo of the Golden Cathedral, and I had to convince myself it was real. Anxious to see it myself, I recruited a few friends, and we set off to spend the day hiking and wandering, but without any ropes.
Read MoreWe'd seen some really good stuff, but it was weekend menu that really had me salivating. With a few hours to kill before making the approach hike down into Fence Canyon in the cool hours of the afternoon, we decided to make a half-day out of Egypt 2.
Read MoreAll this coincided with me finally biting the bullet and getting a digital SLR - so many of the shots here are my new rig, but I haven't read the instruction manual yet, so there's some degree of just plain playing around with it
Read MoreWell, we ain't nuts, so we made the last long drive to the land of the Maple Leaf in search of glorious canyon fame.
Read MoreThornton was the business. It was my favorite canyon of the trip, though some of the other festers would like to disagree. But let's be real, this thing has it all.
Read MoreI was amped for the drive into the great North. The highlight of the night definitely came in Sedro-Woolley. I never realized how important the process of beer selection is.
Read MoreDenny Creek is the equivalent of Snoqualmie's less attractive roommate. You don't mind hanging out with her as long as the good looking one is there too, but you certainly wouldn't go out of your way to just hang out with Denny.
Read MoreSouth Fork Snoqualmie could easily be considered the "Pine Creek" of the Pacific Northwest. The similarities are striking. Easy access, densely packed with action, and fairly straightforward technically. What's more, they both have highways running literally on top of them.
Read MoreChris Avery came by for his annual Zion trip, this time with son Tanner in tow. We rounded up Lin Alder of Springdale and two of his friends, Pearl and Blake. We set up a wonderful Right Fork trip, but some of us snuck away to do a Zion first descent - Stevenson Canyon, the canyon that comes in just upstream of the Stevenson Alcove (get it?) from the northwest. We hoped for something good… we got a long rappel to get in, then not much, so…
Read MoreI've been hounding Malia for the last couple of weeks, trying to persuade her to endure the heat and show me through Pandora's Box. After a couple of weeks of nearly hooking up, the timing finally worked for Sunday, and off we went.
Read MoreSpring. Usually a time of unstable weather. Ram planned two weeks out in the Roost with family and friends, and I planned to join them. The usual late-night drive brought me in to Granary Spring at 2 am.
Read MoreGreg Cornelius really wanted to do Pine Creek with flow, so after a little precip reported, he rounded up Jason Robertson and I for a Pine Creek. Uh, no flow, sorry Greg...
Read MoreWell, what was the weekend to be? Celebrating Mardi Gras with Mo in JH? Or a run to Death Valley with the
Read MoreThe Freeze Fest Camp - the morning after. After the big day, a get away canyon. A few years earlier, on a Freezefest, we had done the complete Stair Canyon. It was great fun
Read MoreFinally the big day dawns. No sense getting an early start, we mosey around camp awhile, then pack for the drive to the Black Hole. Mr. Dave Black joins us once again. Here's Malia's group shot, in the parking lot.
Read More“No Stefanos, you won’t need a wetsuit”
“Ram, are you sure?”
“Yeah, it is a dry canyon, except after real storms and there haven’t been any for awhile”
“I don’t mind carrying it”
“Don’t bother”
Then Tom pipes in “But Ram is often wrong”