Right Fork and Stevenson Canyon, Zion National Park, UT
Chris Avery came by for his annual Zion trip, this time with son Tanner in tow. We rounded up Lin Alder of Springdale and two of his friends, Pearl and Blake.
Right Fork of North Creek
Crack of Dawn start – oh, OK, 11 am – at the West Rim Trailhead. Not like it is hot in July, or anything…
…and here we are at the head of the Left Fork.
Our chosen objective was the Complete Right Fork, using the Hammerhead entrance. We went past Potato Hollow and used the meadows on the other side to get to the edge of the Hammerhead. From here, we traversed over and down (blue line).
A fun crotch shot – always popular. Two biners under an ATC-XP, is the topic.
Lin, third(?) rap in Hammerhead.
We took a bivy as soon as we found some water, pothole water; and before the first rappel in the Direct.
Pearl on the big rap in the Direct.
TW, Blake and I broke off from the group and climbed up the silver staircase to go up and over to a new canyon – Stevenson canyon. TW figured out the easy way up to the pass, but it was incredibly hot. We took an hour siesta under a tree, before proceeding to the actual canyon.
*** Interlude ***
Stevenson Canyon - Possible First Descent
Stevenson Canyon is a canyon that drops into the Right Fork of North Creek just upstream from the Great Alcove. The original explorers of The Right Fork named the Great Alcove "Stevenson Alcove" to honor Adlai Stevenson who had died a few days before the start of their trip. The name did not stick.
We were part of a larger 3-day trip to the Right Fork that also included Chris Avery, Tanner Avery, Lin Alder and his friends Pearl and Blake. We got a crack-of-noon start at the West Rim Trailhead on July 13th, and proceeded down the West Rim trail to Potato Hollow. We followed the trail out the other side, but soon split off, following the meadow west, then climbed over a pass to end up above the south end of the Hammerhead. We circled around to the north end and made our descent from there. The easiest entry to the Hammerhead I have made so far.
The Hammerhead went well, and we were in the Right Fork in the late afternoon. We wandered downcanyon trying to stay out of the sun, and eventually came to the start of the pothole section. Some scrambling took us by a few potholes, and when we found a pretty good tank of reasonable (pumpable) water, we decided to make camp scattered on flat ledges and wash bottom where we could find it. I considered it remarkable to find a good supply of water after an extended dry period.
In the morning, we proceeded downcanyon, soon coming to a short rappel off an arch, then a few other rappels, and a long rappel off a ponderosa log. The canyon was wonderful in the morning light. With only one brief swim and a couple waist-deep wades, we soon found ourselves out of the potholes and into the "normal" right fork.
At this point, TW, Blake and I split off to do the new canyon, while the rest meandered down the route normale. We climbed up the normal RF bypass route to attain the charming slickrock valley/chute above, then continued north onto the ridge to close to its beginning. A buttress of rock and dirt laying against the mountainside allowed easy (3rd/4th class) access to the slickrock pass. We climbed in the full sun and wilting heat, taking a 45 minute siesta just short of the top of the pass, under a tree.
Up and over the top, then down the other side, we followed watercourses to the dropoff into a very impressive canyon.
Scouting the top, we saw a series of trees and ledges that would allow us down to the canyon floor. We chose a large tree at the top and rigged a rappel. I went first. 30 feet down at a ledge with large tree, I made the decision that pulling the rope past this second tree was an opportunity for disaster, so I left a sling and ring for the others to set a rappel with, and continued down. The rap continued past some ledges with sharp edges, and I continued about another 150 feet to a broken up area. The target ledge and tree were off to one side. After hauling up the rest of the 300 foot rope and restuffing in the bag; and having the boys at the top move the rope up 10 feet to change the wear point, I climbed up a bit and rappelled/downclimbed diagonally to attain the target tree and a nice ledge, thankfully just coming into the shade.
TW and Blake then rapped to the intermediate tree, re-rigged the rappel and rapped 150 feet to my ledge and tree. From there we rapped about 170 feet to the canyon floor, about half free rappel, half vertical. The floor of the canyon here was a rubble-choked couloir. 50 feet downcanyon, we rigged a pinch and made an 80 foot rappel down a dryfall.
From here, it was mostly pleasant walking down a sandy wash under giant ponderosas. Pretty nice, but not very exciting. Near the end, after making a turn to the Southeast, the canyon slickrocked up and became pretty nice, with hoodoos, potholes, alcoves and interesting features. We rapped about 80 feet off a log to get down a level, then again about 120 feet down through a slot and past a pool around a corner (very nice rappel). A final 80 footish rappel put us in the canyon bottom of the Right Fork an unknown distance above the Stevenson Alcove, where our friends may or may not have been waiting for us. Thankfully, the Alcove was but a short distance downstream, and our friends had decided that it was a camping spot too good to not stay at, so we rehydrated and swam in the pools to recover from our long day in the heat.
The next day we walked out without incident. Oh, except TW falling off the bypass trail to Double Falls, 15 feet onto a steep slope (on his pack), then tumbling another 15 feet and somehow managing to not get seriously hurt.
Interesting Terrain near the end of Stevenson Canyon
Tom Jones Mt Carmel UT
*** End Interlude***
Back to Right Fork...
We rapped down just before the Grand Alcove, and strolled over in time for dinner. Oh, yum. Freeze-dried stuff…
A previous party had made a fire on the slickrock, leaving this ugly firescar.
C’mon people, make your pirate fires on the sand!
Re-rigged, but still not quite right – not long enough to get over the edge, given that the line of rappel is off to the right. Two oldish bolts on the right equalized with the red sling; then that is equalized to the better bolt with the blue sling. Of course, the bright colors are not so hot, either.
And here we are… at the lower waterfall. Chris and Tanner. Chris as usual carrying as much stuff as in-humanly possible.
Then we walked out, and it was hot, really hot. Oh, and TW fell off a cliff, but that’s another story…