Denny Creek, PNW Fest


Denny Creek is the equivalent of Snoqualmie's less attractive roommate. You don't mind hanging out with her as long as the good looking one is there too, but you certainly wouldn't go out of your way to just hang out with Denny. Well, we had a day to kill, and since nobody was really feeling like driving 3 hours south to Davis creek just for the day, we settled for Denny. It took us about 4 minutes to get there from camp.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Steven Arhart getting sprinkled on the first rappel in Denny.

This canyon isn't that bad, but it's hard to call it great when there are other goodies so close by. This one never really shuts down into narrows, but rather is exposed to the full sun most of the day. Denny holds its own with a couple of spectacular waterfall rappels, and a lot of spectators dying to be entertained. And with the Arharts around, entertained they were.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Tom going stealth mode on us. Check out the form. Textbook I tell ya, textbook.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

The beauty shot for the day, Jane getting wet.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

No photoshop here, that’s Mike riding the rainbow.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Mike getting soaked.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

This canyon’s short, so we gotta get our money’s worth. Mike again, this time getting the full force.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Bob “I wear a wetsuit, but I ain’t getting wet” Madsen, on the first rappel.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Steven, not walking on water, but close. He actually is jumping into this pool, but it looks like he is floating.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Steven on the second rappel. Me on camera duty, not watching my exposure as I dangle over the edge…

After spending inordinate amounts of time in every ounce of water in the canyon, Mike was proclaimed “most likely to get hypothermic” for the day. Seriously, no drop went untouched.

Mike, still wet.

The two waterfalls in Denny really are quite spectacular. The second has a nice rooster tail that begs for a full face shot. I would've expected Roger to successfully get in it's path, but he failed us, as did the rest of the crew. We didn't fail to stick a rope though. Bob volunteered to be the lucky guy to climb back up and around to unstick it. Fortunately, this canyon wasn't super committing, so you can exit the watercourse and climb up and around fairly easy. It was to be the only stuck rope of the week. Well, except that one I forgot to tie a pull cord to, but that doesn't count.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Mike finishing off the second rappel. Rooster tail on top.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Yep. It’s wet. So Mike is definitely in it.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

And finally, Bob gets wet for a few seconds.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

The Emperor himself, enjoying a more casual rappel.

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Like Mike. If I could be like Mike…

(Denny Creek)

(Denny Creek)

Ah yes, there’s Roger. Making his cameo appearance for the day.

Denny was short and sweet. Good thing, because a three hour drive awaited us to arrive at North Cascades National Park, home of the next two days of canyons. Stay tuned, these ones are good 'uns.