Eyedropper Canyon, a First Descent in the San Rafael Swell, Utah

Canyoneering first descents are always cherished - we found a nice one down in the Swell, near Hidden Splendor. At last year's SUWA Roundup, I hiked up and scouted this little canyon with Bill Wolverton, thinking it might make a nice, easy, technical canyon for beginners.

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Ouray Wet n Wild Canyoning in Bear, CO

Went down to Ouray for some wet stuff.  Found it! Ouray has quite an amazing concentration of fun, wet canyons. There are only two problems with this: the season is short (typically "August"), and it is an 8 hour drive from my house. Spoiled I am, living IN canyon country, and I have gotten used to not having to drive all that far. Woe is me...

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Zion Overnight Backcountry Adventure: Right Fork of North Creek Canyon

The route thus far has surrendered so much to us so freely. The warm glow of the morning light across the gentle floral sweeps of the West Rim. A pleasantly brush-free route to a dramatic drop-in at the Hammerhead Entry.

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Neon Canyon and the Golden Cathedral. Braving the Escalante Summer

Went down to Escalante for a little Neon action. It being June and all, and a hot year to boot, and knowing Neon was dry dry dry; for this trip Mike Schasch and I convinced our guests that running daytrips out of a car-camp would be a much better plan than backpacking down

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