Canyoneering first descents are always cherished - we found a nice one down in the Swell, near Hidden Splendor. At last year's SUWA Roundup, I hiked up and scouted this little canyon with Bill Wolverton, thinking it might make a nice, easy, technical canyon for beginners.
Read MoreThe BEST trip, every year. Out on Lake Powell, in Glen Canyon.
Read MoreWent through Full Imlay with Steve Brezovec and Kelly Birdwell - to enjoy the canyon, of course, and to work on the anchors. (All photos this rave by Steve Brezovec.)
Read MoreI have a tendency to make things more complex than they really need to be. Sometimes this gets people in trouble, like in this case. Fortunately, BIG trouble was avoided.
Read MoreWent down to Ouray for some wet stuff. Found it! Ouray has quite an amazing concentration of fun, wet canyons. There are only two problems with this: the season is short (typically "August"), and it is an 8 hour drive from my house. Spoiled I am, living IN canyon country, and I have gotten used to not having to drive all that far. Woe is me...
Read MoreGetting out with Kip is always a treat. Kip has an indomitable enthusiasm for exploring the obscure corners of the Zion area, and tends to invite me along when he thinks he has a good one lined up. "I'm IN!" I said.
Read MoreExciting new Canyon in Zion, First Descent? Nope! I was hoping. Hope springs eternal and looking for new canyons involves lots of hope. This one...
Read MoreMy buddy and webmaster Nick Wilkes was in town from Wisconsin for a little Zion-happy time, and despite the thunderstorms we lined up to do a canyon. There's a canyon Kip found almost ten years ago now that I had sadly neglected for quite some time
Read MoreRock Canyon is a great little canyon that drops into The Barracks portion of the East Fork of the Virgin. The main obstacle is getting there - driving the perilous soft sand roads of Elephant Cove to get to the rim of the canyon.
Read MoreI try to stay away from the main canyons in Zion during the holidays, but sometimes I can't resist.
Read MoreOne of the many charms of Zion National Park is the wide range of ecosystems within its boundaries. Cliffs, canyons, rivers, alcoves, hanging gardens, upland mesas, dry ponderosa forests, etc.
Read MoreThe route thus far has surrendered so much to us so freely. The warm glow of the morning light across the gentle floral sweeps of the West Rim. A pleasantly brush-free route to a dramatic drop-in at the Hammerhead Entry.
Read MoreWent down to Escalante for a little Neon action. It being June and all, and a hot year to boot, and knowing Neon was dry dry dry; for this trip Mike Schasch and I convinced our guests that running daytrips out of a car-camp would be a much better plan than backpacking down
Read MoreWe entered via the "short-cut" route and suited up at the sand cave. Soon afterward we were chest deep in log soup. This was a great start to the trip.
Read MoreAs my feet hit the boulders above emerald pool, my first thought was “best canyon ever?”
I don't know. It's a silly question. But there is no question - that canyon is darn good.
Read MorePoor choices will be punished. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Aron Ralston and I are in Pleiades Canyon.
Read MoreConditions were ideal and we had a fantastic day. We found the re-located and well-cairned trail easily and happily splashed through the canyon.
Read MoreThe Subway seemed like a necessity, so I snuck away for a Tuesday descent. The weather had been hot, very hot, so we were a bit concerned about snowmelt overwhelming this small canyon
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