My dad gave me the gift of believing I can do anything. At least I believe I have as good a chance as anyone else to succeed at any given task.
Read MoreI had been meaning to do a flowerwalk for a couple of weeks, and finally shook free for a day, so I headed up to Kolob Terrace. It has been quite dry the last couple months, and this is my first year studying the bloom after a dry winter.
Read MoreThis weekends plans - a three day training session with members of the Coconino County SAR team, despite the snowstorm forecast for Saturday. Driving down Friday night proved uneventful
Read MoreIt was the project of others. Dan Ransom had been spying it for a few years. So had Rick Green. When I considered that they may be talking about the same canyon, I put them in touch with each other and proposed some dates.
Read MoreFor them, Spring Break. For me, an opportunity to go do some canyon hiking, test out how my recovery is going, and get out of the office for a few days.
Read MoreTogether we formed Team Twilight, as we seemed to struggle with getting going before noon, and completed many of our activities just as the sun sank past the horizon.
Read MoreI took a tumble that resulted in a very slightly broken wrist, a ‘bruised’ back and a severely bruised ego. Here’s the story:
Read MoreThe SandTrap was invented by Steve Woodford for Lake Powell canyons where sand is available but other anchor options are sparse. We had previously used stacked Pot Shots in these situations,
Read MoreNorth Wash is such a fine place to canyoneer in the fall. November 2011 was no exception; the canyon gods were kind to us, providing fine weather and fine friends.
Read MoreWent down to Escalante for a little Neon action with a delightful couple from Palo Alto, Xu and Xueshan, from whom I learned quite a bit about the Maoist Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the period of Chinese history during which they both came of age.
Read MoreHow much water does a rope absorb? It has always seemed that polyester ropes hold less than nylon ropes, but is this actually true? How big is that difference? I decided to find out yesterday…
Read MoreBill Westerhoff made the big move from Phoenix up to the Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort a couple years ago. Well, not to the resort, to the subdivision/gated community out there on Fir Lane, where he built a cabin and settled in. Bill is now a canyoneering guide
Read MoreChris Avery and son Tanner came up from Tucson for a casual canyoneering weekend in Zion. Why not do a classic! Zion's Pine Creek beckoned. Lin Alder, formerly of Springdale, joined us for a jaunt in the most classic of Zion canyons for a total photo op trip.
Read MoreScott Patterson discovered a large and frightening arch in Marinus canyon, scouting it in April 2010 and, due to lack of time and suitable companions, judiciously traversed downcanyon and rapped in lower down, leaving the difficulties of the arch itself to... us!
Read MoreWent on a little float trip, with a few short hikes thrown in... Well, perhaps I dis-exaggerate. But here's a sweet canyon we did on Feb 21st, off a Grand Canyon Float trip
Read MoreLast February, Rich Rudow got this crazy idea of drawing a GC rafting permit and floating the big river, and doing as much canyoneering as is (super-)humanly possible.
Read MoreDec 15- I was way stoked, packing for Freeze Fest, thinking about all the canyon possibilities - a good chance for me to explore Dave's Mini-Slots, and revisit old favorites.
Read MoreThe “lake” area was WAY greener than I had ever seen it. Lots of small storms this summer and fall musta kept it in good condition to grow stuff, here some willows and cottonwoods.
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