Rather confusing really. I thought I had found the famous "Mindbender" Fork, about which Steve Allen tells an interesting story, perhaps over-dramatized; but it was not to be - what I found was a really good fork I now call Not-Mindbender.
Read MoreBeautiful weather. Shane invited us down to the North Wash Area for a couple new "gems" he had beta on. Sure, why not? Always up for doing something new. Where? Can't tell ya - it's a secret.
Read MoreHere we are in the Escalante. Coyote Gulch is extremely popular, but actually, come to think of it, it never really felt crowded. Great thing about canyons, turn a couple of corners and you are there by yourself again.
Read MoreMs. Scotter invited me on a driving trip for Valentine's day. Getting out of the smog of the big city sounded like a REALLY good idea.
Read MoreA new tradition. The Black Hole for New Years. Ram rounded up a bunch of folks, most of whom backed out when they checked the weather forecast. So off with a small group of die-hards to the slots of North Wash for a little Mae-Westing before the Hole.
Read MoreWent to a few Christmas parties, so here’s some silly pictures of people…
Read MoreStemming, stemming, & stemming, oh my.
Read MoreDid a few things before blowing the knee: Took a bunch of kids down Birch Hollow, as a start...
Read MoreOn this occasion, we were descending Englestead with several southern Utah locals. Mark "Little Bear" Mallory had invited us down since he had a rope fixed for the first drop.
Read MoreAlicia and I dashed off to Catalonia, on the way to Turkey, for a little touristing in Barcelona and a little canyoning up in the Pirineos with Koen.
And the call went out throughout the Land: Many Days in March, Canyons to be Done, Old Friends and New. Come and enjoy. Bring lots of gear. Gotta do some of those Roost Canyons before the Hordes of the Prophet Kelsey descend upon the desert.
Read MoreFor Valentines, Alicia treated me to a weekend in Bluff and Blanding, visiting with Dave Black and hunting down ruins and artwork. We gathered at Dave Black's house and found Jim Wright in residence, having recently "retired".
Read MoreI, like several other folks I imagine, had wondered for a long time... does the Hole freeze solid in winter? Open water? A nightmare of thin, break through ice? Inquiring wackos want to know!
Read MoreBack down to Zion for another grand trip with the Big Crew. We had quite a posse heading into the Right Fork of North Creek, but decided to break into squads to check out various entries.
Read MoreWe drew the long straw, and got to do the famed Cottonwood / Five Mile loop with Sir Ram.
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