About 30 intrepid canyoneers turned out for a weekend of gnats, canyons and sunshine. Many new techniques were shared, new friends made, faces connected with email names, and good times had.
Read MoreSaturday, a trip through Lower Squeeze was delightful and uneventful. Sunday was a day for Blue John Canyon. Ram gave us the beta and we headed over, starting at an incredibly crapped-out cowboy camp just off the Hans Flat road.
Read MoreThe man with the white hands denies responsibility for all that occurs on our last day in the Escalante, when fate had ordained our encounter with the dreaded canyon, Nasty Ass.
Read MoreAnother morning, another early start, another day humping the pack through some wonderful terrain. Today’s objective was the mysterious Moe Slot, an unusual find I had not heard of before. It promised cold swims, strenuous climbing and beautiful sandstone slots.
After a quick descent of E2, we realize we have enough time to pack up, make the walk down to Fence Canyon, and set up camp for a little more adventuring. After a quick hike and a brief evening scotch-and-storytelling session, we set the alarm clock for dawn.
Read MoreMade the dash to the Escalante... First on the agenda: Egypt Two. Yeah, you've driven by it a dozen times. It looks interesting, but if it's not in the bible...
Read MoreDeath sits on the map just north of Turkey Knob, and looks like it might be interesting. But not too interesting, as it turned out.
Read MoreWe decided to start the week with a canyon we had looked into recently, but had not explored the upper part of. Unfortunately (maybe), jumping into canyons in this area can be dangerous, and we almost re-created our friends' experience in Sandthrax last fall.
Read MoreWent down to Zion with the Boyz for a little Freeze Fest. Imlay Canyon in winter sounded like a good idea at the time.
Read MoreIt's not canyoneering, but man cannot live by canyoneering alone. So I took a few days off over Christmas to visit with the family, first stopping in Reno to visit my friends Larry and Karen.
Read MoreI've always been interested in those canyons cutting into the Red Rocks escarpment outside Red Rocks, and Lost Wages resident Dick Shear invited us down for the weekend.
Read MoreMs Scotter kept insisting that her Irish heritage would eventually produce a visit from the elusive namesake of Leprechaun Canyon. Sunday we headed up to find the actual Left Fork of Leprechaun Canyon, and in the woods below the canyon mouth… what do we see?
After a quick lunch in the sun, Dave gives us the beta on Left Fork. Dave and Deb go off exploring.
Shane has been exploring a new slot canyon area down near Hanksville, and was getting ready to release it to the Circle of Few when, ahem, well, they got kinda stuck. Sounded intense, so it seemed like a good time to go check it out.
Sunday we visited The Chasm of Doom, aka Sandthrax Canyon, to see where our friends got stuck.
Read MoreDeadman anchors have been discussed for awhile, usually as an anchor of last resort. It goes like this:
Read MoreA few years ago, I stuck some bolts in the difficult, central section of Quandary Canyon in the San Rafael Swell, thinking I was doing the world a service. Oy veh!
Read MoreA bit of that fall nip in the air, we headed down to the Escalante to try our hand at Neon. Oft targeted, not so oft succeeded on, Neon requires some good weather to do the moderately long approach and exit, and have enough prime time to enjoy the canyon.
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