Mountain of Mystery Summit and Canyoneering into the Narrows, Zion National Park

Once in awhile, a guys’s gotta climb a few summits. Zion offers quite a variety of difficult-to-access peaks, and our chosen pinnacle this weekend was the mysterious Mountain of Mystery. 

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Upper Spooky and Brimstone Canyons, Coyote Gulch, Escalante

(Peekaboo, Spooky and Brimstone) are one of the most visited spots in the area, the upper sections of these same canyons have escaped common noteriety. So we pulled out our Steve Allen #3 book and drove out the Cat's Pasture / Early Weed Bench road and set up to drop into upper Brimstone.

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New Canyon, Iron Wash, and Wild Horse Canyon, San Rafael Swell

Had to get out of town! When the weather is consistently cold, the best way to get out is to make plans far ahead with people you don't know real well - then you have to go. So I made plans far in the future with Charlie Oliver from Boulder, who I had known for a while but never done a trip with. Since he was driving from Boulder, my chickening out just because it was too friggin' cold was not an option...

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Winter Explorations of Arches, Canyons, and Climbs in the San Rafael Reef, UT

Had to get out of town! Three weeks of cold weather and no going south makes the rat a grouchy boy. Weather reports called for cold and sunny, so it looked like staying in the sun by exploring the rugged terrain up on the San Rafael Reef would be the ticket...

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