Arscenic Canyon & Slideanide Canyon, Robbers Roost, UT
March 2004. Beautiful weather. Shane invited us down to the North Wash Area for a couple new "gems" he had beta on. Sure, why not? Always up for doing something new. Where? Can't tell ya - it's a secret.
Morning at the Sandthrax campsite. Dave Black makes an appearance, and is instantly surrounded by beta-hungry hounds…
Tom and Barbara enjoy an early morning pool in Ar-Scenic Canyon, our first target.
Having completed Ar-scenic, time to head back to the top. So we charge up the slickrock, looking for the rim.
Onto the next one. Tom Talboys enjoying one of the many slides in Slide-anide.
After Slide-anide, we again charge up the slickrock, and find this cool arch.
And the scenic version.
And back to the car for a cold adult beverage…