Victory in Midget Rattler the day before encouraged us. After the requisite post-party casual breakfast, a gang was rounded up to try the next one.
Read MoreAnother Memorial Day Weekend, another visit to the Saddle in Boulder Utah for a social weekend. But, we were SUPPOSED to actually go out and do canyons too, AND get back in time for Pim’s hour, which might strike as early as 4 pm…
Read MoreOver the last 13 years, I have done Imlay Canyon many times. I believe I have succeeded in doing it every year since, though my record-keeping is non-OCD, so who knows?
Read MoreWorthy of faint praise. After a couple years of not quite getting around to the mighty Jolley Gulch, finally did the canyon today with Felicia and it was not nearly as nondescript as I expected.
We rallied at 9 am at the East Rim Trail parking lot, which was packed. Felicia immediately gained massive points by handing me a scone from Deep Creek Coffee Haus, we loaded up ropes and stuff and hiked up the trail. I suggested a shortcut which while definitely short required some 4th class climbing and probably only cost us 15 minutes, and soon-ish or maybe soon enough we were at the head of Jolley Gulch.
Brian had done it. Kip had done it. Jonathan had done it. Ram had done it, but I hadn't done it. Looking forward to a second edition of the guidebook, I really ought to do it, even though they had made it sound not-so-appealing.
Read MoreI hurt. For me, hurting and the Grand Canyon go together like ham and cheese. In this case I hurt in many places: bruised feet, stiff quads, funky shoulder, left ankle a bit odd, and the lower back - of course. Unfortunately, this was BEFORE we headed into the Big Ditch, having spent three days with the Unbreakable Ram and Jenny the previous week.
Read MoreKody invited me over for a lap down Johnson Arch Canyon in St George, and said the magic words: “no need for an early start”. I’m in!
Read MoreFinally, a storm brought moisture upon us, first time since New Years. Not the best timing, however, as Ram was just blowing into town.
Read MoreSundance is divine. Sundance is my chance to see real movies on real screens, in rooms with every seat filled with excited, interested, intelligent people.
Read MoreFreezefest is an annual gathering of hearty (ie, foolish) canyoneers for canyoneering at the turn of the year. Camping out in single-digit temperatures may not seem like it would be fun, but with proper preparation, plus lots of firewood, fine spirits and good friends, it works out to be one of the funnest events of the year.
Read MoreOur annual INSANE canyoneering festival called FreezeFest is held in North Wash for a good reason - there are a LOT of good canyons within easy reach. For this day, we chose Paradiso out on Ticaboo Mesa, one of the Dante Canyons, possibly the funnest of the Dante Canyons.
Read MoreThe last couple years, Ramoo has put together a wondrous start to Freezefest doing a BIG canyon on Christmas Day - our contribution to the War on Christmas, I suppose. 2010 was Choprock, which I missed, being sick as a dog.
Read MoreDirty, loose, scary, confusing. Rotting fixed ropes festoon the route. "I've never been so scared on 5.5!"
Edited description:
Read MoreMike casually mentioned he had his eye on a certain canyon, a painfully obvious one, in the heart of Zion. "No way", I said. "I've been looking at that for 5 years!"
Read MoreThough Utah's Capitol Reef National Park has a big handful of good canyoneering, Pandora's Box is clearly the BESTest! I hooked up with Ram and Brendan Busch (plus Jonathan Zambella, and Dirk and Nancy Tyler) for a few days out there
Read MoreZion's Subway is a wonderful, beautiful canyon, enjoyed by many people in several different ways. I made a run through on a recent weekend to re-locate the first anchor, bolted this spring but not in the best place (from my point of view).
Read MoreSome good canyons can be found at the south end of the San Rafael Swell. They are especially good, especially fun when full of water - as we expected to find them, thanks to storms tracking across Utah these last two months.
Read MoreThe Squeeze is an excellent canyoneering adventure down in Utah's San Rafael Swell. I was down at Hidden Splendor for the SUWA Roundup. The frequent storms the last few weeks suggested the canyons on the south end of the Reef would be in Splasher mode
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