Looking for a canyon that would be dry, we thought - HEY! How about Hog 2! COULD be the driest canyon around, maybe maybe not. We decided to do the Ridge of Many Huge Holes Ramble to get up there, which would save us a car spot.
Read MoreA great time to be in the wild, but with the wetness and all, not a great time to do canyons. What else was around? How about Ryan's ramble out to the Yellow Brick Road and Tik Tok Bridge?
Read MoreBack to North Wash for another weekend. Thanksgiving brought a whole bunch of rain, but it cleared off quickly. Friday, I rendezvoused with hank and alicia around noon.
Read MoreDear Ramoo - Finally got to that project we had glanced at, so long ago. Observation Point Canyon - dropping from near O Point into the Weeping Rock Cirque.
Read MoreLooking through Wyoming Dave's recent finds, we chose Morocco as the best venture. A quick trip to Hog Springs (for the usual) and we parked at the 'trench' of Casablanca Canyon and followed Dave's directions up the cliff - and around to the head of the canyon.
Read MoreMy first visit to Mind Bender, in March 2004, was rather disappointing. A nice social canyon, but it really had none of the meat SA described - kinda a dud, actually.
Read MoreLove these beautiful fall mornings - especially since "early" means 9 a.m. Destinations for the day were West Leprechaun Canyon for the Arhart clan, and the Main Fork of Leprechaun Canyon for Dave and me.
Read MoreSunshine, canyons, fun people. Jane, Roger and Deb were down for a weekend of slot-thrashing, and had invited their friends Jane and Steve for their first Sandthrax weekend.
Read MoreWe soon arrive at the head of the canyon, and then figure out a reasonable way in
(as shown - follow left shoulder then downclimb to bench level, then walk bench to place to easily descend slope into canyon bottom).
I think it is a little over two years since the three of us met for part of a wonderful trip down to Escalante. If I recall, part of the purpose was for Todd to try out his legs and head on harder canyons, in a safe (sorta) incremental way.
Read MoreFound ourselves out in Glen Canyon, doing a couple slots just for fun. Last day, we decided to do Clear Creek into the Cathedral in the Desert. Access is provided by landing at and climbing up the Hole In The Rock, then following the road, then cross country to Clear Creek.
Read More(This) Man does not live by canyoneering alone. At least, not this year. Though I have long held that canyoneering is the basis of all outdoor sports, I have, in a previous life, held a fascination with rock climbing, enhanced by a few weeks spent in that most splendid of rock arenas, Yosemite Valley.
Read MoreHanging with Ram's cousins on Ingalls Pass, then home. 3460 feet of altitude loss.
Read MoreThe big day finally arrived... Mt. Stuart was finally in the crosshairs.
Read MoreWe had 2400 feet of altitude to gain, and if we packed expeditiously, we could sneak in a route on Ingalls Peak in the afternoon.
Read MoreMorning comes, still socked in. Reports from the previous day were that the cloud stopped at the divide. We decide to climb up and over Sahale Peak (8680 feet) and get a good view of the world,
Read MoreWe awoke to fog - a state of being, within a cloud, literally. So we hung out. Nothing cleared by 10 am, so a rest day was declared. I decided I needed a warmer sleeping bag and more padding, and jogged down to the car to pick up a few things, including the Megamid. Good thing too, as about 6 pm it started drizzling, and kept at it until morning.
Read MoreThe plan was to hike in to Boston Basin for a 5-day overnight, with a wide assortment of classic peaks to choose from. Boston Basin is one of the most popular alpine climbing camps in the North Cascades.
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