Sundance Films 2015 M8: Brooklyn

Not all Sundance films are tiny scrappy foreign low-budget affairs. Hey, WHITE GOD  had a fairly substantial budget, though I'm not sure it is going to get picked up and shown in theaters in the USA.  BROOKLYN is not a low-budget film. Showing independent but real-budget films at Sundance bumps up the film's serious cred...

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SundanceTom Jonessundance
Sundance Films 2015 M7: Unexpected

I was somewhat less psyched for Sundance this year than I SHOULDA BEEN, and did almost zero preparation. Alicia called a couple weeks ago and said - "I can buy you 5 tickets in the next half hour - what do you want". Well, basically, she made some suggestions and I accepted...

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SundanceTom Jonessundance
Sundance Films 2015 M6: Stockholm, Pennsylvania

A coming of age story of a young woman, with an interesting premise. Leia was kidnapped at age 4 and held in a basement for 17 years. She was told the outside world had essentially ended, and she had to stay in. Ben took care of everything, until discovered. Leia is rescued and returned to her "family" - what happens next?

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SundanceTom Jonessundance
Sundance Films 2015 M5: Prophet's Prey

My oh my. This is some seriously messed up stuff. More deserving of profanity than Mr. Cobain's personal torment, but since I've had a couple days and movies to get extracted from the evil madness of Warren Jeffs, I can speak without profanity. But first, what this movie is NOT about...

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SundanceTom Jonessundance
Sundance Films 2015 M3: Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck

Oh my Heck. This is some seriously f***ed up shit! Told via the stuff found in Cobain's archive - journals (he kept tons of journals), home movies, concert footage, tasteful and sparse interviews with bandmates, mother father and sister, old girlfriends and the widow... developed into a tight, amazing, crazy (as in, clinical), extremely personal look inside the life and mind of Kurt Cobain.

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SundanceTom Jonessundance
Sundance Films 2015 M2: The Summer of Sangaile

Second movie of the year is this drama from Lithuania.  Laura Dahl and Shelley Carver joined me for this one. Here are Laura's impressions:

I knew nothing about the film before arriving at the theater.  In fact, I wasn't even sure of the title of the movie -  this is what happens when someone else does all the planning for your first Sundance Film experience...
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SundanceTom Jonessundance
Lower Echo and Anchor Activities, Zion National Park, UT

Yes, it is still winter. After a few days of rain, we were psyched to go sneak another canyon in, and also psyched for a lazyish start, given the festivities the night before, Amanda and Kat's going away party in advance of their coming-up-fast South Africa adventure. The day was grey and not all that warm. The plan was to do Lower Lower Echo...

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Zion Observation Point Canyon: Potholes and Ice!

For this adventure, my two favorite and best canyoneering partners, Amanda Josephine Jessop and Bailey Camille Schofield. THEY went skiing and boarding the previous day, so *I* got to play the man this time, carrying the 300' rope up the hill, holding open doors, helping with seatbelts, etc.

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Zion Tabernacle Dome Summit Summit for Thanksgiving

Zion. Tabernacle Dome. A fine easy climb before pigging out on Thanksgiving victuals. What an amazing fall we have been having. The warm, sunny weather has persisted, and it seems our obligation to take advantage. Tabernacle Dome (or Turtle Rock) seemed like a good choice for a pre-feast romp - half-day, not too far, mostly just fun fun fun.

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Not-Imlay Canyon, Zion: Rope Retrieval, Scenic Rappels, and the Narrows

Canyoneering? It is getting kinda cold at night, but the fine weather in Zion National Park is holding so, when someone mentioned that ropes were hanging on the last rap in Not-Imlay, we thought we would throw together a trip and go get ‘em sooner rather than later. Invites went out and were quickly returned - guess more people than me have a touch of the cabin fever. Weekday travel would allow driving into Zion Canyon. Sweet temps would allow a reasonable start.

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Kolob Canyon Rappel Route and History

Frank from Colorado was paying his first canyoneering visit to Zion, and wanted to get in a "big boy" before escaping, so Amanda suggested Kolob. While it is kinda  long day, it would be less tortuous than our last couple of days out - sounds good. I drove over to Lava Point and camped in the cool of the high altitude, while Frank and Amanda drove up early in the morning.

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Ouray Canyoning: Wetterhorn with Ira Lewis

We were in Ouray for Wayne and Laura's wedding, which went well. Ira invited me on an exploration - Wetterhorn Creek - presumably because he knew I enjoyed suffering -- certainly not for my uphill speed. Also on the team was Chris Hood from Salt Lake and Lori Shindel from Denver. We drove up the Cow Creek "road", which was an adventure in itself. Glad it was Ira's brand new well-insured Tacoma, rather than a lesser vehicle. Parked among the big trees at 8300 feet. From there, the trail went UP!

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HOT Summer Backcountry Canyoneering in Zion

Part of the heat is to chose one's adventures carefully.  In this case, we kinda did, kinda didn't. The idea was to check out an "easier" approach to a canyon Kip explored about 10 years ago, as the original approach we took was long and tedious. Would the new approach be short and easy enough? Would the canyon be good enough to make it worth the walk?

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Heaps Canyon: Direct Finish Descent and Anchor Bolting

Heaps - the Big Kahuna! What a great canyon. I got the opportunity to do it three times this year - and this is the one where a bunch of pictures got taken. A mellow trip put together by Deeps, with Brian Olliver, Louis Johnson, Everett Boutillet and myself. Two days in the middle of the summer - LOTS of daylight. With the canyon full from recent thunderstorms, and a strong team... SHOULD be no problem. (Pictures this Rave from the whole team!)

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