Kaleidoscope Canyon (aka Choprock Canyon) Escalante Area, UT

Let's jump right in... The Escalante River was up, so Ram and Hank had rigged a rope the night before. Now, early in the morning, most stripped naked to hand traverse the rope across the river, body hanging downstream in the current. It was cold. Better than coffee.

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ACA Canyoneering Rendezvous: Chipitin Canyon, Mexico

As expected, after a day of travelling, too little sleep and a night of modest partying, morning came much too soon, and we broke up into groups to go do canyons. Not being in the "ridiculously early" group, I chose to do Chipitin

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Lake Powell: West Canyon

Went down to visit Glen Canyon with the Arizona gang in March. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting Cathedral in the Desert at low water, with the waterfall hitting the sand for the first time in forty years. It is a remarkable little spot. We motored around the puddle, did some canyons, dodged the weather, broke a prop, had a good time. Here's the story.

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Maybe Mindbender Canyon, Robbers Roost, UT

I've been trying to do a canyon with this guy Wade Christianson for a couple of years, and we finally got it together for this little, probably pretty mild project down in the Swell. Wade brought along his buddy Jayson Christensen. The weather was brilliant - and away we go...

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